Saturday, December 19, 2009


So, as Phil told you, we quite the busiest day in Rome. The Vatican was intense. The Museums were amazing, unfortunately we only could see like 4 rooms out of like the 20 that they have, but well worth it seeing how we got to go into the Sistine Chapel. The impressive things about the Museums is that they have paintings on the ceilings that are so well done that they could have fooled me that they were 3-D when they actually are not. The Sistine Chapel, where the conclave meets when electing the new pope and where the unreal ceiling is, was breathtaking. Unfortunately, many tourists don't have a lot of respect so viewing it all was kinda ruined by people not following the simple rules of no photos and silence. There was these one pair of girls that were trying to take a photo of them with the paintings in the background and one of the guards yelled at them and they didn't stop. Then the guard walked and stood in the line of the photo and still the girl didn't stop. Finally, one of the guards grabbed the photo about 10 secs before they snapped the picture. The grotto (where the popes are buried) was awesome too, Cool to see the tomb of St. Peter and other popes. But the best part of the day came later, seeing the Capitoline Museums, Trevi Fountain, and the Mouth of Truth. The Mouth of Truth, which you may remember from the movie "Roman Holiday". Its actually a sewer drain cover that they would bring people too, ask them a question, and have them stick their hand inside. The Mouth was said to distinguish the liars from the truth-tellers. I was pretty stoked to see it. The night was finally brought to a close with me falling down the stairs of our hotel and then eating ice cream to make up for it. Last day in Rome tomorrow :(

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