Wednesday, December 16, 2009

So it begins

Well the airplane ride wasn't so bad except for the fact that I couldn't sleep and the guy sitting in front of me put his seat all the way back which meant that i couldn't really see the screen to watch movies unless it hunched into the smallest position i could so that i could barely see the screen. Once we arrived in Rome we had to go through another security checkpoint. why? i have no idea considering they let anyone through (even those that set off the metal detectors). The flight to Venice was short and I, of course, kept myself occupied by watching Kelly do crossword puzzles and telling her the answers to the ones she missed (not really cause she really likes the people magazine crossword and has threatened me more then once with bodily harm if I give away the answers even though she's only kidding). Also the airports were old school style for getting off cause we didn't have a nice terminal and walkway to go up. Nope, we went down a set of stairs and then onto a bus to take us to the terminals, which given the temperature outdoors wasn't a pleasant experience. After getting bad directions twice and walking past the hotel three times we finally arrived. It's a nice place despite the fact that the outside is under construction. Then Kelly freaked out in the elevator. At first I thought she was having an asthma attack but then she started going on about losing her camera which caused the hotel managment to think that someone was dying in the elevator (heck even I though she was having a stroke or something). Once in the room however i pointed out that the camera was in her jacket pocket. Crisis averted.
Then came the gondola tour, which people had to fail to mention, that featured a singer and the all important accordian player which made the ride a bit more romantic then we would have liked. After that we headed back to the hotel and proceded to pass out for the next 15 hours after telling ourselves we were only going to have a quick nap...oh well.

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