Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ciao Roma, you were fun... cold, but fun

Well, the reason why we have no photos is that my computer is the only way to get them uploaded and due to the craptastic plug/coverter thing I was given, my computer cannot be charged back up after we drained the battery day #1. So unfortunately the like 300 photos will have to wait.
Well, the Italian Adventure is over :( But today was very awesome. Like Phil said, the tour this morning came and got us and this tourguide was not bueno. He spent too much time blabbing about pointless, uninteresting info in the worst spots (like next to really stinky trash bins) and gave us 15 minutes in the Vatican giftshop but about 30 seconds in the Piazza Navona. The Piazza Navona with the really pretty Four Rivers fountain was the next stop and then to the Pantheon and the Spanish Steps. Most of the walk, I spent joking around with the Australian family rather than listening to our guide.
Then Phil and I, the brilliant people we are, decided to walk all the way to the Tiber River again. But it was well worth it. Castel d' Angelo was beautiful. Phil was more than thrilled that there was weapons there and he went running around at the armory. It definitely gave us some awesome photos of the view of the city. Then we walked all the wall back to the hotel then set out again to find gifts and ended up walking all the way to the Tiber AGAIN! Unfortunately, it seemed as though every store was selling the same exact cheap little things which I was not interested in.. so shopping was made less fun. The night ended with delicious dinner, pistachio tiramisu, and more walking. Finally ended with me begging Phil to help me take off my boots because I couldnt get my feet out of them after all the walking. Ciao Roma!


Elizabeth A. Nelson said...

You all make me so jealous! You've hit up the few places I wish we had seen. Make it home safe and I'll see if I can't post some proper links to your photos in the photo album link box!

Elizabeth A. Nelson said...

P.S. I think we should take a photo of all 4 of us to put as the main photo...