Wednesday, December 16, 2009


So, We arrived in Venice after a very long and quite boring plane ride. On the plane, I fell asleep before Phil, so I was unable to take pictures of Phil sleeping and me doing the "Steven Colbert pose" The airport in Rome was VERY confusing, made worse by the pointless security checkpoint they had us go through. But we made it to the water taxi and got into the city. First off, those taxi drivers and gondoleri's make driving through those waterways look so easy but its really not. Phil and I got a chance to relax and explore a bit before our gondoleri promenade in which we had an accordian player and singer too. Super fun. Phil and I attempted with ALL our might to stay awake, but that lasted up until about 4pm when we surrendered to our jet lag and passed out and slept until 9pm in which we woke up and went to sleep again. This morning we explored the Doge's Palace and St. Mark's Basilica. Note, when traveling with an engineer they will constantly be pointing out every engineering aspect of every building and monument we pass. St. Mark's square was completely flooded with about 3 inches of water due to high tide, so there are little elevated walkways to walk through. St. Mark's Basilica is ridiculously gorgeous with mosaics everywhere and gold embellishments. Same for the Doge's Palace. Only have about 30 mins of internet time. Check out the photos!


Genevieve Tullar said...

It would have been much worse with me, kelly, pointing out the structural aspects of the buildings. :-)

Elizabeth A. Nelson said...

This is very true...
